At Medtuity, we know the pressure your organization is under:
* rising costs
* decreasing reimbursements
* higher patient flows
Your responsibility is to manage this, but do so without adding to your staff, your costs or your wait times. Increasing efficiency can be accomplished with an EMR that automates your office.
MedtuityEMR allows a paperless record. Chart pulls are eliminated.
MedtuityEMR uses "turnstile" pricing-- you pay as you go with no up-front license fee. Young practitioners, already debt-laden, can have a full-featured EMR without additional debt. There are no "per-user" license fees to consider when expanding your staff.
MedtuityEMR is not an ASP. Your practice houses, controls, and owns your data.
MedtuityEMR is point-and-click with huge clinical content already added. You don't spend months assembling data.
MedtuityEMR's primary architect is a physician (Matthew Chase, M.D.) with extensive software experience including writing a product used by more than half the Fortune 500. MedtuityEMR is a meld of his knowledge of programming and medicine.
