OpenEMR by Possibility Forge
OpenEMR is supported and implemented by Possibility Forge.The Possibility Forge, Inc. is a world-class enterprise software consulting firm specializing in J2EE (Java 2 Enterprise Edition) development. Our goal is to empower our clients with accessible, best-of-breed database, Electronic Document Interchange (EDI), and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) solutions while helping our clients develop the knowledge they need to make best use of the resulting software and hardware solutions. The Possibility Forge gained source curatorship from The Pennington Firm, and openEMR was continued through a partnership betweem Possibility Forge and ITD Medical: ITD Unlimited. At the end of 2007, The Possibility Forge, Inc. acquired the intellectual property from ITD Unlimited. We have become a leader in the EMR and electronic remittance industry.
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